Guinness Draught Surger, Guinness, Irland, 330 ml (71013) |
13 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Guinness Draught, Guinness, Irland, 330 ml (1260) |
16 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Murphy's Irish Stout Draught, Murphy Brewery, Irland, 500 ml (1498) |
16 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Beamish Stout, Beamish & Crawford, Irland, 500 ml (1494) |
16 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Guinness Draught Surger, Guinness, Irland, 520 ml (71013) |
22 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Magners Irish Cider, Magners, Irland, 568 ml (88867) |
29 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Saint Brendan's Irish Cream Liqueur, St Brendan's, Irland, 350 ml (83444) |
105 kr |
Jameson, John Jameson, Irland, 350 ml (498) |
146 kr |
0 |
Jameson, John Jameson, Irland, 350 ml (498) |
149 kr |
Saint Brendan's Irish Cream Liqueur, St Brendan's, Irland, 700 ml (83444) |
203 kr |
Murphys Premium, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (570) |
211 kr |
Kilbeggan, John Locke & Co, Irland, 700 ml (429) |
262 kr |
Millars Special Reserve, Cooley, Irland, 700 ml (80296) |
266 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Tullamore Dew, Tullamore Dew, Irland, 600 ml (70735) |
275 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Tullamore Dew, Tullamore Dew, Irland, 600 ml (524) |
275 kr |
0 |
Jameson, John Jameson, Irland, 700 ml (498) |
279 kr |
Jameson, John Jameson, Irland, 700 ml (498) |
279 kr |
Bushmills Original, Old Bushmills, Irland, 700 ml (70553) |
289 kr |
Black Bush, Old Bushmills, Irland, 700 ml (497) |
299 kr |
Baileys Original Irish Cream, Baileys Global Supply, Irland, 1000 ml (765) |
308 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Irish Mist, Irish Mist Liqueur, Irland, 700 ml (86567) |
309 kr |
Greenore Single Grain 8 Year, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (10538) |
329 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Jameson 12 Years, John Jameson, Irland, 700 ml (80431) |
349 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
1995 |
Knappogue Castle, Castle Brands Spirit, Irland, 700 ml (449) |
359 kr |
Green Spot Pure Pot Still, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (83318) |
369 kr |
Green Spot, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10524) |
369 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Redbreast Pure Pot Still, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (70024) |
399 kr |
Bushmills Malt 16 Years, Old Bushmills, Irland, 700 ml (442) |
409 kr |
Redbreast Single Pot Still 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10216) |
459 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Redbreast 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (86635) |
459 kr |
Redbreast Single Pot Still 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10216) |
459 kr |
Redbreast Single Pot Still 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10216) |
459 kr |
Redbreast 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10558) |
486 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Redbreast 15 Years, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10525) |
486 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
The Tyrconnell 10 Years Port Wood Finish, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (30414) |
499 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
The Tyrconnell 10 Years Madeira Wood Finish, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (30413) |
499 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
The Tyrconnell Sherry Wood 10 Year, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (30470) |
559 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Kilbeggan 15 Years, John Locke & Co, Irland, 700 ml (30439) |
579 kr |
1989 |
Bushmills Single Cask Bourbon Barrel, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10510) |
589 kr |
Greenore Single Grain 15 Years, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (20439) |
597 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
The Tyrconell Single Cask 14 Years, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (30415) |
609 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
The Tyrconnell Madeira Finish 10 Years, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (86597) |
649 kr |
Bushmills 1608 Anniversary Edition, Old Bushmills, Irland, 700 ml (40486) |
659 kr |
A Drop of The Irish, Blackadder, Irland, 700 ml (85896) |
679 kr |
Connemara Sherry Finish Peated Single Malt, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (486076) |
699 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Kilbeggan 15 Years, Old Kilbeggan Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (86333) |
699 kr |
Tyrconnell Single Cask 15 Years, Cooley Distillery, Irland, 700 ml (86761) |
709 kr |
A Drop of The Irish Peated 10 Years, Blackadder, Irland, 700 ml (86582) |
845 kr |
2005 |
Midleton Very Rare, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10513) |
945 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
1999 |
Cooley 10 Years Cask Strength, Dewar Rattray, Irland, 700 ml (86258) |
998 kr |
Midleton Very Rare, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (20429) |
1175 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
Beamish Stout, Scottish&Newcastle, Irland, 30000 ml (81155) |
1269 kr |
bevaka |
⊕ |
1993 |
Cooley The Angel's Port 15 Years, Bresser & Timmer, Irland, 700 ml (86559) |
1279 kr |
1993 |
Cooley The Mad Angel 15 Years, Bresser & Timmer, Irland, 700 ml (86717) |
1279 kr |
Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10306) |
1300 kr |
Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10306) |
1300 kr |
2007 |
Midleton Very Rare, John Jameson, Irland, 700 ml (40442) |
1350 kr |
2008 |
Midleton Very Rare, Irish Distillers, Irland, 700 ml (10307) |
1350 kr |
1992 |
Cooley 15 years, Dewar Rattray, Irland, 700 ml (88485) |
1399 kr |